Steve Jobs Biography Pdf In Gujarati Yahoo

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Early lifeSteven Jobs was born February 24, 1955, in San Francisco, California,and was adopted by Paul and Clara Jobs. He grew up with one sister,Patty. Paul Jobs was a machinist and fixed cars as a hobby. Jobsremembers his father as being very skilled at working with his hands.In 1961 the family moved to Mountain View, California. This area, justsouth of Palo Alto, California, was becoming a center for electronics.Electronics form the basic elements of devices such as radios,televisions, stereos, and computers.

At that time people started torefer to the area as 'Silicon Valley.' This is because asubstance called silicon is used in the manufacturing of electronicparts.As a child, Jobs preferred doing things by himself. He swamcompetitively, but was not interested in team sports or other groupactivities. He showed an early interest in electronics and gadgetry. Hespent a lot of time working in the garage workshop of a neighbor whoworked at Hewlett-Packard, an electronics manufacturer.Jobs also enrolled in the Hewlett-Packard Explorer Club. There he sawengineers demonstrate new products, and he saw his first computer at theage of twelve. He was very impressed, and knew right away that he wantedto work with computers.While in high school Jobs attended lectures at the Hewlett-Packardplant.

On one occasion he boldly asked William Hewlett(1931–2001), the president, for some parts he needed to completea class project. Hewlett was so impressed he gave Jobs the parts, andoffered him a summer internship at Hewlett-Packard. College and travelAfter graduating from high school in 1972, Jobs attended Reed College inPortland, Oregon, for two years. He dropped out after one semester tovisit India and study eastern religions in the summer of 1974. In 1975Jobs joined a group known as theHomebrew Computer Club. One member, a technical whiz named SteveWozniak (1950–), was trying to build a small computer.

Jobsbecame fascinated with the marketing potential of such a computer. In1976 he and Wozniak formed their own company. They called it AppleComputer Company, in memory of a happy summer Jobs had spent pickingapples. They raised $1,300 in startup money by selling Jobs'smicrobus and Wozniak's calculator. At first they sold circuitboards (the boards that hold the internal components of a computer)while they worked on the computer prototype (sample). Apple and the personal computer eraJobs had realized there was a huge gap in the computer market. At thattime almost all computers were mainframes.

They were so large that onecould fill a room, and so costly that individuals could not afford tobuy them. Advances in electronics, however, meant that computercomponents were getting smaller and the power of the computer wasincreasing.Jobs and Wozniak redesigned their computer, with the idea of selling itto individual users.


Steve Jobs Biography Pdf Download

The Apple II went to market in 1977, withimpressive first year sales of $2.7 million. The company's salesgrew to $200 million within three years. This was one of the mostphenomenal cases of corporate growth in U.S. Jobs and Wozniakhad opened an entirely new market—personal computers. Personalcomputers began an entirely new way of processing information.By 1980 the personal computer era was well underway. Apple wascontinually forced to improve its products to remain ahead, as morecompetitors entered the marketplace. Apple introduced the Apple III, butthe new model suffered technical and marketing problems.

It waswithdrawn from the market, and was later reworked and reintroduced.Jobs continued to be the marketing force behind Apple. Early in 1983 heunveiled the Lisa.

It was designed for people possessing minimalcomputer experience. It did not sell well, however, because it was moreexpensive than personal computers sold by competitors. Apple'sbiggest competitor was International Business Machines (IBM). By 1983 itwas estimated that Apple had lost half of its market share (part of anindustry's sales that a specific company has) to IBM. The MacintoshIn 1984 Apple introduced a revolutionary new model, the Macintosh. Theon-screen display had small pictures called icons.

To use the computer,the user pointed at an icon and clicked a button using a new devicecalled a mouse. This process made the Macintosh very easy to use. TheMacintosh did not sell well to businesses, however. It lacked featuresother personal computers had, such as a corresponding high qualityprinter.

The failure of the Macintosh signaled the beginning ofJobs's downfall at Apple. Jobs resigned in 1985 from the companyhe had helped found, though he retained his title as chairman of itsboard of directors.

NeXTJobs soon hired some of his former employees to begin a new computercompany called NeXT. Late in 1988 the NeXT computer was introduced at alarge gala event in San Francisco, aimed at the educational market.Initial reactions were generally good. The product was veryuser-friendly, and had afast processing speed, excellent graphics displays, and an outstandingsound system. Despite the warm reception, however, the NeXT machinenever caught on. It was too costly, had a black-and-white screen, andcould not be linked to other computers or run common software. NeXT and AppleIn December of 1996 Apple purchased NeXT Software for over $400 million.Jobs returned to Apple as a part-time consultant to the chief executiveofficer (CEO). The following year, in a surprising event, Apple enteredinto a partnership with its competitor Microsoft.

The two companies,according to theNew York Times,'agreed to cooperate on several sales and technologyfronts.' Over the next six years Apple introduced several newproducts and marketing strategies.In November 1997 Jobs announced Apple would sell computers directly tousers over the Internet and by telephone. The Apple Store became arunaway success. Within a week it was the third-largest e-commerce siteon the Internet. In September of 1997 Jobs was named interim CEO ofApple.In 1998 Jobs announced the release of the iMac, which featured powerfulcomputing at an affordable price.

The iBook was unveiled in July 1999.This is a clam-shaped laptop that is available in bright colors. Itincludes Apple's AirPort, a computer version of the cordlessphone that would allow the user to surf the Internet wirelessly. InJanuary 2000 Jobs unveiled Apple's new Internet strategy. Itincluded a group of Macintosh-only Internet-based applications.

Steve jobs biography pdf in gujarati yahoo search

Jobsalso announced that he was becoming the permanent CEO of Apple.In a February 1996Timemagazine article, Jobs said, 'The thing that drives me and mycolleagues is that you see something very compelling to you,and you don't quite know how to get it, but you know, sometimesintuitively, it's within your grasp. And it's worthputting in years of your life to make it come into existence.' Jobs has worked hard to translate his ideas into exciting and innovativeproducts for businesses and consumers.

He was instrumental in launchingthe age of the personal computer. Steve Jobs is truly a computerindustry visionary.

Sanatas cracker team 64 bits. I could not help noticing that Mr. Jobs was a son of an American Woman and a foreign student of muslim faith from Syria, a post graduate student at University of Wisconsin.

There is another great American who is born of American woman and a post graduate student from Kenya, who is now the President of the United States. This was due to our generous immigration policies of 1950's.

The structural engineer resposible for the design of John Hancock and Sears Towers came as a foreign student. His name was Fazlur Rehman Khan. I am extremely proud of our great country of USA.

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