Create Thumbnail From Pdf C#

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There are many softwares which come exclusively for the task of creating thumbnails of images. Found this page while searching how to batch-thumbnails for my fine art for bodies gallery and image catalog, and also found these steps on how to do them via the WindowsActions in photoshop:By Corrie HafflyI’ve started with 12 photos of the same size (2560 × 1920 pixels), oriented as shown below. We want to create a 150 pixel-wide, web-optimized thumbnail for each photo, while keeping the original images intact.Our original photosThe first step is to create a Photoshop action, which is a saved set of commands for the process.Open one of the images in Photoshop, and display the Actions panel by selecting Window Actions.

Click on the Create new action icon at the bottom of the panel, as shown below.Creating a new actionThe New Action dialog box will appear. After you’ve given your action a descriptive name (I’ve called mine “Thumbnail - horizontal”), click Record.Back in the Actions panel, shown below, you’ll see that the name of your new action has been highlighted, and the Record button (which was gray earlier) has turned red. This indicates that Photoshop is now recording your commands.Activating the Record buttonSelect Image Image Size. In the dialog box that appears, enter the size details of your thumbnail; I’ve made mine 150 × 113 pixels.


Click OK to apply the new size.Let’s revisit the Actions panel. As you can see below, a new line has appeared under “Thumbnail - horizontal.” This is the image size command we’ve just performed.Adding the image size command to the actionNow, let’s add a command to save our thumbnail for the Web.Select File Save for Web and choose your web optimization settings. Use settings that will work reasonably well with all your images. I’m saving my thumbnail as a JPEG with a Quality value of 60. When you’ve finalized your settings, click Save.To prevent your original file from being overwritten, create a new folder called “Thumbnails” to store your thumbnail images in.After saving the thumbnail, close the original image without saving any changes. The process is complete. Click the Stop button at the bottom of the Actions panel, as shown below, to stop recording the action.Stopping the recordingTo see your action in progress, open another photo and select the “Thumbnail - horizontal” action from the Actions panel.

C# get thumbnail from file

Click on the Play selection button, as shown below.Action replayPhotoshop will quickly run through the steps you recorded earlier. Check your “Thumbnails” folder to make sure everything’s in order.That’s your action completed.

Now, let’s run a batch command, which will let us use the action to process multiple images at once. First, make sure that all the photos you want to work with are in the same folder. Select File Automate Batch, and the Batch dialog box will appear.Select your action from the Action drop-down menu in the dialog box. I’ve selected “Thumbnail – horizontal” from the previous example.From the Source drop-down, select Folder. Click the Choosebutton and select the folder that contains your photos.You’ll notice that, by default, the Destination drop-down is set to None. If you keep this setting, the thumbnails that are created will be saved into the folder that you specified in your action.

If you want to save your thumbnails to a different folder, select Folder from the Destination drop-down and click on the Choose button to pick a folder. Photoshop will provide additional options for naming your files.Click OK to run the Batch command. Photoshop will apply the “Thumbnail - horizontal” action to each file in the source folder. When it’s done, you’ll find a collection of shiny new thumbnails in the destination folder.Saving Time with Custom ActionsI’ve found it useful to create custom actions for tasks that I perform frequently. For example, rotating images clockwise or counterclockwise, then saving to overwrite the original image, or creating thumbnails for portrait- and landscape-orientated images using the method that we used for the action in this solution.

It’s a great time-saver!

Approach / main ideaTo generate the thumbnail image for each document I used the Adobe Acrobat 5.0 SDK and the Microsoft.NET Framework.The Acrobat SDK combined with the full version of Adobe Acrobat (sadly the free reader does not expose the COM interfaces) exposes a COM library of objects that can be used to manipulate and access PDF information.So using these COM objects via COM Interop, we can load the PDF document, get the first page and render that page to the clipboard. Then using the.NET Framework we can copy this to a bitmap, scale and combine that image and then save the result as a.gif or.png file.In addition, there is one freeware called 'PDF Thumbnail Generator'.Best regards,Martin. Generate Thumbnail Images from PDF Documents.This solution in above article still can be applied to Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008 with.NET Framework 2.0/3.0/3.5.Download the VB.NET sample project (with.NET Framework 1.1) and then open it in Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008, the Visual Studio Conversion Wizard will automatically convert it to one new VB.NET project (with.NET Framework 2.0). You also can change target framework to 3.0 or 3.5.How to change target framework in Visual Studio 2008?Project menu - Properties - Compile tab - Advanced Compile Options - Target frameworkSome class libraries used in this VB.NET sample project are still available in.NET Framework 2.0/3.0/3.5.You still can use the Adobe Acrobat 5.0 SDK via COM Interop in Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008.Regards,Martin. Approach / main ideaTo generate the thumbnail image for each document I used the Adobe Acrobat 5.0 SDK and the Microsoft.NET Framework.The Acrobat SDK combined with the full version of Adobe Acrobat (sadly the free reader does not expose the COM interfaces) exposes a COM library of objects that can be used to manipulate and access PDF information.So using these COM objects via COM Interop, we can load the PDF document, get the first page and render that page to the clipboard. Then using the.NET Framework we can copy this to a bitmap, scale and combine that image and then save the result as a.gif or.png file.In addition, there is one freeware called 'PDF Thumbnail Generator'.Best regards,Martin. Thanks for this Martin,I already had a printout of this article from earlier web research that I did, but just before sitting down to code I noticed it was written some years ago and referred to.NET framework 1.1So before I got too deep into it I posted my question to check that perhaps by.NET Framework 3.5 (which is what I plan to use) there isn't a ready made solution, after all file Explorer exposes these to users.If someone in the community can confirm it so, then I will take the route that you suggest as it appears to offer me just the solution that I need.

Generate Thumbnail Images from PDF Documents.This solution in above article still can be applied to Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008 with.NET Framework 2.0/3.0/3.5.Download the VB.NET sample project (with.NET Framework 1.1) and then open it in Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008, the Visual Studio Conversion Wizard will automatically convert it to one new VB.NET project (with.NET Framework 2.0). You also can change target framework to 3.0 or 3.5.How to change target framework in Visual Studio 2008?Project menu - Properties - Compile tab - Advanced Compile Options - Target frameworkSome class libraries used in this VB.NET sample project are still available in.NET Framework 2.0/3.0/3.5.You still can use the Adobe Acrobat 5.0 SDK via COM Interop in Visual Studio 2005 or Visual Studio 2008.Regards,Martin. Hi Martin,I work with Laughing Sam and have been asked to take over this task.I've downloaded the sample project files and have successfully opened it in Visual Studio 2008 along with changing the target framework to 3.5.I am hitting some snags however when trying to run the project. I noticed on the original codeproject article that a full version of Acrobat is needed (I have version 7 Standard) along with the Acrobat SDK. It doesnt appear that version 5.0 is available any more (unless you use Unix, I use Vista Business SP1) so I thought I'd give version 7 a go. It seemed to install OK but when I try to run the project I get various errors:-. C:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv3.5Microsoft.Common.targets: warning MSB3287: Cannot load type library for reference 'Acrobat'.

Library not registered. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x8002801D (TYPEELIBNOTREGISTERED)). The referenced component 'Acrobat' could not be found.

.net Core Pdf Thumbnail


C# Get Thumbnail

error BC30002: Type 'Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc' is not defined. error BC30002: Type 'Acrobat.CAcroPDPage' is not defined. error BC30002: Type 'Acrobat.CAcroRect' is not definedI've sinced noticed that there is an Acrobat 8.1 SDK which is compatible with Vista. Could it be that version 7 is incompatible with my OS and that I need the new version or should there not be any problems?Many thanks. I've sinced noticed that there is an Acrobat 8.1 SDK which is compatible with Vista. Could it be that version 7 is incompatible with my OS and that I need the new version or should there not be any problems?Hi Laughing,Yes, the Acrobat 8.1 SDK can support Windows Vista.Acrobat 7.0 and earlier will not support Windows Vista.Check these documents:Please try installing Acrobat 8.1 SDK on Windows Vista.Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.